April 21st Run at Summit Brewing

Last week was our first ever run from Summit Brewing Company. The sun gods must have been with us because it cleared up just in time for our run. We headed south to Elway street and eventually onto the trail by Crosby Lake. As one runner said, it was like something out of Jurassic Park. Majestic trees, hidden lakes, swamps and vines.IMG_8585


IMG_8604Despite being mostly downhill on the way out and uphill on the way back we managed to score negative splits. And at a pretty good pace, too. This little run club of ours is getting faster! There were around a dozen runners this week. A great number for a fun run.


Back at the brewery we enjoyed a kaleidoscope of beers from Summit. There was the Us & Them series, Blind Tiger (a rye brown ale) and I enjoyed must first Summer Ale of the season. Great post run recovery beers!



Believe it or not (I don’t!) next Sunday, May 1st is our 2nd anniversary! Co-founders Dave, Audrey and I (Derek) met for an afternoon run at Lake Calhoun on May 1st, 2014 followed by beers at the now closed Republic in Calhoun Square. Many beers and many miles later we’re still kickin’. May 5th will be our anniversary run and we’ll met at Pig & Fiddle in Minneapolis – yes that corner of 50th & France is still officially Minneapolis.

We’ll start at the restaurant for a 30 minute run, followed by some great beer! As always, we will meet at about 6:20pm just inside their facility and will start our run at 6:30 sharp. Please plan to get there in plenty of time to find a parking spot.

If you are planning on joining us, please rsvp and let us know.
