
2017-01-19 19.53.49

Great run at Modist – Bad Weather on Thursday

Great run at Modist – Running at Bad Weather on Thursday

Running tonight at Modist in Minneapolis

Running tonight at Modist in Minneapolis

2017-01-06 02.46.02

Frigid trip back to LynLake – Modist on Thursday

Frigid trip back to LynLake – Modist on Thursday

Running tonight at LynLake in Minneapolis

Running tonight at LynLake in Minneapolis

2016-12-15 20.05.20

Fantastic holiday run, back to LynLake Thursday

Running Thursday at LynLake in Minneapolis

Running tonight at The Muddy Pig in St Paul

Running tonight at The Muddy Pig in St Paul


Running Thursday at the Muddy Pig in St. Paul

Running Thursday at the Muddy Pig in St Paul.


Great run and great tour at Wild Mind

Last week we made a return back to Wild Mind Artisan Ales for a run, followed by at tour by Wild Mind’s founder and brewer Mat Waddell. On the run side, we headed over through the neighborhoods around Diamond Lake to the far side of the lake, then looped back on our path. Lots of…

Running tonight at Wild Mind in Minneapolis

Running tonight at Wild Mind in Minneapolis

Running Thursday at Wild Mind in Minneapolis

Running Thursday at Wild Mind in Minneapolis