Spooky post-run hangout in South Minneapolis Thursday

Thursday we are headed to Minneapolis to visit Sam and Bridgette again! Their home is in South Minneapolis between Lake Nokomis and the Minneapolis VA Hospital.

Go for a run on your own, or join the group from their house! RSVP on the event page for the specific address.

Hanging out starts at 7pm. Wear your spookiest costume for all the bragging rights!

This is a Bring Your Own EVERYTHING event. Bring a chair, snacks and a beverage for yourself and come say hi!

Please review the current RunBeerRepeat COVID-19 notes. We will be following them, including taking attendance to allow for contact tracing if needed. If you RSVP on the event page, you don’t need to worry about attendance.

Where: Sam and Bridgette’s house in Minneapolis. To get the exact address, please RSVP on the event page or jump on the #UpcomingRuns channel in Slack.

If you haven’t signed the RunBeerRepeat liability waiver, please do so online before the run.

We need your input

We are firmly into winter and it’s pretty obvious that outdoor hangouts are not really a fun thing for the most part. We need help trying to determine what, if anything, you want out of this group in the winter.

With COVID-19 restrictions firmly in place, we are still struggling with what to do the group in the cold.

There are some small-group heated outdoor options some breweries are opening up but they have a limited number of people and usually have a reservation fee. There are always zoom calls but I think a lot of us are quite tired of that. We need to keep current COVID-19 guidance in mind for group activities so we are certainly limited.

What are your thoughts? We’re looking for assistance with coordinating things too so please let us know if you have ideas and are able to help.

Right now we don’t have any plans for November.

Please shoot your thoughts to info@runbeerrepeat.com